The Kingdom of Starfall covers much of Eternia's main continent, and is ruled by a royal family considered to be godlike by most commoners.

Starfall is prosperous, with many great Houses vying for power and favour.
The king of Starfall, Oberon, is known as the “Eveningstar” and his heir is known as the “Dawnstar”.

Starfall is at war with the neighbouring Northern country of Irradiya, which is ruled by an ancient creed of vampiric high elves, known as "leeches" by most humans.
The strange and reclusive Vilegore family rules Irradiya.


STARFALL is a high fantasy world loosely inspired by fantasy otome games and game of thrones.Magic is real, dragons exist and the gods walk amongst us.Technology is a at medieval level.

Anything you like, really. Some scenarios will put you in the place as the Dawnstar, the royal heir, which has certain connotations. This is sort of the "otome game protagonist" role.
But other scenarios will allow you full flexibility to be human, non-human, noble, common - whatever you like.

Starfall : Happy magical kingdom with girl power and dragons
Irradiya : Evil bad vampire elf kingdom that is at war with Starfall
Polaris/Sel & The Eight : The Greek Pantheon (sort of)
Starkeepers : Your Government Issued Knight Boy/Girlfriend

I like harems. Also, bonded relationships (see: RSOA Officers & SRs / Contractors & ACEs / the werewolf stuff in general)

Yeah probably





The Royal Family

It is believed that the royal family of Eternia is descended from a mythical figure known as "Polaris' heir", a great hero and the child of the gods Polaris and Sel, who "lifted the darkness" from Starfall.It is true enough that the royal lineage experiences enjoys both long lifespans and a seeming immunity to disease or other mortal ailments.
The royal family has no given house name; the members are mostly referred to by honorifics or titles, which are:

prior monarch
ruling monarch
royal heir
generic title, includes royal progeny and other relatives
The current monarch of Starfall is the Eveningstar, King Oberon.

Like other noble families, the royal family traces lineage through the maternal line, though precedence to child of the parent with royal blood takes priority.
It is considered heretical for a mortal/commoner to physical touch a member of the royal family. For this reason, all members of the family have at least one  Keeper  - a chosen guard, companion and lover.Members of the royal family have golden blood, proving that they are more than mere mortals.


Central Eternia
 Ruling House: The Royal Family 

Skycrest is the resplendent capital city of the Kingdom of Starfall, nestled in a valley and surrounded by rivers.
A sprawling marvel of white stone, it is known for its many waterfalls that cascade down from the city heights, flowing through a network of canals before emptying into the Moon river.At the highest point of the city sits the Starlight Keep, an immense castle complex that serves as the seat of the royal family.Constructed from glimmering marble, its tall spires and domed roofs rise high above the surrounding districts, visible from nearly any point in the city. The castle is said to be a gift from the gods themselves.Skycrest is split into multiple districts, such as the Garden District where the nobility reside in their lavish manors, and the Waterway District with its many docks, warehouses and merchant quarters.Beneath the city lies the Tunnels, a twisting labyrinth of ancient passages rumored to be the former lair of an immense dragon. Now, it serves as the city's seedy underbelly, home to all manner of rogues and illicit trades.As the kingdom's capital, Skycrest is its center of governance, religion, trade and culture. It is a diverse but stratified city, with a strict social hierarchy. The city is also home to multiple temples, including the grand Cathedral of Polaris.


Starfall is home to many noble houses, of both human and non-human families.Noble lineage is traced through the maternal line. Polyandry is common, with polygamy being less socially accepted.All houses are expected to swear oaths of fealty to the crown.Northern houses are often suspected of disloyalty due to their proximity to the territory of Irradiya.

It is not uncommon for younger sons or daughters to be sent to Skycrest to train to be Keepers.

house alcuin

Iron Endures
head of house

The noble line of House Alcuin has ruled the fortified city of Ironhall for over three centuries from their imposing seat of Shadowmount Keep.

As wardens of the northern marches bordering the hostile realm of Irradiya, the Alcuins are a martial house defined by an unwavering dedication to honor, valor, and the defense of the realm.


Northern Eternia, on the border with Irradiya
Ruling House: House Alcuin

Built atop a snowy mountain plateau, the fortress-city of Ironhall is the northernmost bastion of Starfall.
Its towering walls of blackstone and iron are an imposing sight, bristling with artillery and soldiers ever-watchful for an attack from Irradiya.

As the holding of House Alcuin, one of the kingdom's most martially-renowned noble families, Ironhall is a city built for war.
It is home to some of Starfall's greatest knights, warriors and weaponsmiths.
The smoke from its great forges is ever-present, and the ring of hammer on steel is a constant song.

Despite its grim and foreboding atmosphere, Ironhall has a rough charm. Its people are known for their uncompromising bravery and loyalty.

Great halls with roaring hearths can be found throughout the city, where soldiers gather to feast, drink and boast of their battlefield exploits.
The city has many monuments to fallen heroes.

However, located so close to enemy territory, a sense of paranoia permeates the city.
Suspicions of espionage and fears of infiltration by Irradiya's spies run rampant.
The Alcuin lords are infamous for their harsh treatment of suspected traitors.

house wells

Enduring as the Sands
head of house

Once a minor house, the Wells' fortunes were revived a century ago when the previous lord secured a contract to supply Starfall's armies with water and provisions during the War of Burning Sands. Their role as logistical masters of the desert routes soon made them indispensable to the crown.

Though not known for martial skill, House Wells has maintained power through cunning economic maneuvering and a network of informants across the desert cities and caravans. Rumors persist of their involvement in smuggling rings and unsavory business partnerships.


South-Eastern Eternia
Ruling House: House Wells

In the arid, sun-scorched lands of Eastern Eternia lies Sunhold, a city-oasis built around a massive sandstone mesa. The city proper is carved directly into the rock of the mesa itself, a warren of dwellings, storehouses, and passages that spiral up through the stone. Crowning the summit is the Sunspire, the ornate keep of House Wells.

At the base of the mesa, fed by an underground aquifer, is the Oasis - a lush garden of date palms, flowering cacti, and reflecting pools. This slice of paradise in the harsh desert is the lifeblood of the city, providing both water and shade.

House Wells has grown prosperous through their control of the eastern trade routes, especially the lucrative spice trade. Sunhold is a major hub for caravans, its markets always bustling with merchants and exotic goods from lands beyond Eternia.

The city is known for its skilled weavers, who craft vibrant tapestries and rugs prized throughout the kingdom.

However, life in Sunhold is not without its dangers. The surrounding desert is home to marauding bandits and strange, monstrous creatures said to burrow up from beneath the sands. House Wells is constantly working to maintain the safety of the trade routes.

house ridwan

knowledge is power
head of house

House Ridwan has long been whispered about in the halls of power - an ancient bloodline steeped in occult tradition and arcane secrets. For generations, the Ridwans have produced some of Starfall's most brilliant scholars and mages, their mastery rivaled only by their ambition.

But this knowledge comes at a price. Rumors abound of the unsavory rituals and pacts that have fueled the family's rise, of shadowed halls lined with tomes of forbidden lore.

Despite their pledged loyalty to the crown, there are whispers that the Ridwans' true allegiance lies with powers far older and more sinister than mere kings and queens.

From their somber keep overlooking the sea, the Ridwans watch and wait, their motives as inscrutable as the midnight tides.

In the city's darkened corners, it's said that no secret is safe from the eyes of Ridwan spies and that those who cross the family have a habit of vanishing into the night, never to be seen again.

raven's watch

Western Eternia, near the Starless Sea
Ruling House: House Ridwan

Clinging to the mist-shrouded cliffs of Western Eternia, the somber city of Ravenswatch looms over the crashing waves of the Starless Sea. A city of dark stone and weathered wood, it seems to blend into the bleak, gray landscape. Twisted, salt-sprayed trees cling to the cliff faces, and the cries of sea birds echo constantly through the air.

House Ridwan rules this melancholy domain, their keep a grim, hulking structure at the city's highest point. The Ridwans are known for their fascination with death and the occult, and whispered rumors accuse them of practicing dark magics in their keep's hidden chambers.

Despite its ominous atmosphere, Ravenswatch is a city of great learning. It is home to the Ravenscript Academy, Eternia's most prestigious center for the study of magic, alchemy, and the esoteric arts. Scholars and students from across the kingdom flock to the city to study in its vast libraries and attend lectures by renowned masters.

The city's location makes it an important port, with ships braving the treacherous waters to bring goods and travelers. The docks are always busy, but there's an underlying sense of unease, with the Ridwans' grim watch-towers overseeing all.

house greene

From the Ashes
2nd eldest son

House Greene rules Balefire Reach, but not without controversy.

A century ago, the Reach's previous rulers, House Balefire, were branded as traitors for the actions of Eoin Balefire, who attempted to assassinate the Eveningstar and seize the throne.

Though House Greene was granted dominion over the Reach for their role in thwarting the plot, some still whisper that the Greenes were complicit in Eoin's treason as a means to usurp their rivals.

The Greenes have held on to power in part by reforming the selection of new dragonriders. In the past, only noble-born sons could join the Duskborne Shields, the royal brotherhood of dragon knights.

But under the Greenes, any child who shows an affinity for dragon kinship may be chosen, regardless of bloodline. This affinity is tested in the Night of Choosing, held each solstice. In a torch-lit cavern, children stand before a clutch of dragon eggs, hoping one will hatch for them. The lucky few become novice dragonriders, training in the keeps and aeries carved into the volcanic cliffs.

balefire reach

North-Eastern Eternia
Ruling House: House Greene

Balefire Reach is a storm-lashed headland situated in the shadow of Mount Pyralis, an active volcano that looms over the surrounding ash-rich forests.

The humid, tropical climate created by the volcano's heat is ideal for cultivating the region's famed spices and citrus fruits.

But Balefire Reach is most renowned as the nesting grounds of Starfall's dragons and the training grounds of the Duskborne Shields, the kingdom's elite order of dragonriders.

Mount Pyralis is key to the dragons' presence in the Reach. Tunnels and caves warmed by the volcano's heat riddle the headland, forming perfect nesting chambers.

The dragons themselves are drawn to the volcano, sometimes disappearing inside for weeks at a time for reasons unknown. Some speculate they feed upon the energy of the molten earth itself.

The Blackfire Beacon, a colossal lighthouse of gleaming obsidian, stands eternal vigil over this domain.

Every year, during the festival of Dragonsnight, the Beacon's flames burn green to honor the fallen riders and their noble steeds. It is said that the Beacon's light can be seen even in Irradiya, a warning and a challenge to those who would threaten the Reach.

house fauxe

The Hunt is ALL
eldest daughter

House Fauxe rules Trophyhill.

The Fauxes have a long and acrimonious history with the fae creatures native to the surrounding woods.

Tensions first kindled when a Fauxe hunting party felled a sacred white stag favoured by the nature god Verdan.

Supposedly, Verdan cursed the Fauxe bloodline to forever hunger for the most dangerous game - and to become more and more like the beasts they hunt.

Many a Fauxe has since met a grisly end pursuing ever deadlier prey to satiate their hexed bloodlust.


Central-Western Eternia
Ruling House: House Fauxe

The walled town of Trophyhill squats within a vast primeval forest that spans much of the Western territory of Starfall.

The denizens, human and hostile to non-humans, are a hearty people well-suited to the harsh climes and to their bloody work.

Hunting is the primary industry and pastime here; pelts, preserved carcasses and taxidermied heads of exotic beasts and monsters decorate every wall and storefront.

The Fauxe ancestral keep is essentially a museum dedicated to the family's many storied kills.

Most of Trophyhill's economy revolves around the hunt. Leatherworkers, tanners and furriers ply their trade in the town's fetid Skinners' Quarter. Blacksmiths dedicate their forges to producing fine weapons and traps.

Apothecaries and alchemists concoct all manner of potions and poultices from the organs and secretions of felled creatures. The Beastmasters' Guild breeds, trains and sells a wide variety of hunting hounds, hawks and more exotic companion beasts.


A Starkeeper , often shortened to just "Keeper ", is a personal guard and companion to a member of the royal family.Direct members of the royal family (that is, the ruling monarch and any heirs) may have any number of Keepers . The noble the Keeper attends is often referred to as a "star".Non-royal noble lords and ladies have only one Keeper .Keepers are expected to completely fulfil the companionship needs of their sworn noble. This includes protective, platonic and romantic relationships.
Keepers are chosen by the star once the star reaches adulthood (twenty years of age).
A star may choose any trial or challenge to vet a Keeper , or may simply accept a Keeper into their service.
A Keeper may be of any race or background, though knights are most often chosen due to their skill in arms and chivalric nature.


Upon selection, a Starkeeper kneels before their star and swears a sacred, lifelong vow to serve them in all ways - as guard, companion, confidant and lover.This vow can only be dissolved by death or direct decree of the Eveningstar. Breaking the vow is considered both high treason and heresy, punishable by execution.


STARKeeper richard whitlock         

"I'll never forget the day I took my vows before the Dawnstar. I swore to live and die by my oaths, and by the Eight, I will.

✣ Commonborn
✣ 46
✣ Human
✣ Longsword
✣ Elderberries / Cedar

Born the son of a village blacksmith, Richard grew restless with small town life and left at 16 to seek his fortune. He fell in with a group of adventurers and learned swordsmanship from a grizzled mercenary.His life changed when he rescued the elderly Lady Elissa Fauxe from bandits. Impressed by his bravery, she brought him into the service of her son, Lord Fauxe. Richard spent the next decade honing his combat skills and rising to command Fauxe's personal guard.Richard's deeds and reputation caught the attention of the royal court. At age 30, he was inducted into the Starkeepers, the elite knights who guard the Dawnstar. He became their leader through grit and dedication.As a common-born man in a world of nobles, Richard has had to work twice as hard to prove himself.

Richard holds himself and his subordinates to the highest standards. The safety of the Dawnstar is his life's purpose.Rarely relaxes.Trained in all manner of weaponry, but prefers swordsmanship.Dislikes cats, prefers dogs for their loyalty.


STARKeeper aDrian pascal               

I know I had to put him down to save the Dawnstar, but...I still see Alric's face in my nightmares, sometimes. The man's face, not the beast's.

✣ Pascal
✣ 24
✣ Human
✣ Greatsword
✣ Steel / Citrus

Born the youngest of five sons of House Pascal, Adrian spent much of his boyhood in his brother's shadows. His eldest brother Alaron took him on as a squire, teaching Adrian all he knows of horse, lance and sword.Upon a visit to the royal capital Skycrest, a then-21 year old Adrian bore witness to Starkeeper Alric Fauxe transforming into a monstrous wolf, corrupted and driven insane by Irradiyan sorceries. Adrian took on the beastly Keeper and slew him with his father's sword - Lionheart - saving the life of the Dawnstar in the process.For this act, Adrian was granted the position of Keeper, an honor rarely granted on one so young. Sir Pascal quickly became devoted to the Dawnstar, and is an ardent and honorable knight. However, the guilt of killing a fellow Keeper haunts him.

The youngest of the Six, Adrian is often taken less seriously than his peers.Strong believer in Sel, prays often before battleDislikes magicStill a little intimidated by his older brother Alaron, now Lord Commander of the Skycrest Guard.


STARKeeper kieran greene               

I've seen comely ladies and more 'n a few handsome squires...but there ain't a star that shines brighter than you, love.

✣ Greene
✣ 24
✣ Human
✣ Morning Glory
✣ Amber/Vetiver

Kieran was born the youngest son of Lord Daerik Greene. Through his childhood, he expected to follow family tradition and become a dragonrider, like his older brothers.But at his Night of Choosing, no dragon egg hatched for him.Kieran once briefly ran away to Shimmerglass in the far east as a teenager and trained to be an acrobat, hoping to join a travelling show and see the rest of Eternia, but his older brothers forced him to come home.Feeling purposeless and out of place in his own family, Kieran eventually left for Skycrest and trained as a knight, finding some fulfillment in service. He was eventually chosen as one of the Dawnstar's six Keepers.

Affable and easy-going, Kieran is one of the most beloved knights in Starfall.Truly devoted to the Dawnstar.Skeptical of religion, irreverent about the godsJealous of Asperian's dragon, Bloodbane (would never admit it)


STARKeeper asperian balefire               

Fuck the Greenes and their new world order. Balefire Reach belongs to the dragons, always has, always will.

✣ Balefire
✣ 28
✣ Human
✣ Daggers
✣ Woodsmoke / Leather

Asperian is the last scion of the disgraced House Balefire.Orphaned as an infant when his family was executed for treason, he grew up a ward of House Greene, resenting their rule. Asperian found solace in the company of dragons, bonding with the fierce drake Bloodbane during his first Night of Choosing.As a dragonrider, Asperian rose quickly through the ranks of the Duskborne Shields, his prowess in battle matched only by his arrogance. He remains an outsider among his fellow riders, his Balefire blood a stain they cannot overlook. Asperian's only true companion is Bloodbane. Together they ceaselessly patrol the skies, as if seeking to prove his worth and redeem his family's honor.Now a Starkeeper to the Dawnstar, Asperian is torn between his oath to the throne and his dream of reclaiming his birthright. He walks a dangerous line, his loyalty always in question.

Asperian clashes often with his fellow keepers...and most others who cross his path.Drinks to excess.Only truly close with his dragon, Bloodbane.Questionable loyalty to the crown.


STARKeeper vidal rookweed               

Honor is a luxury for those who can afford it. I cannot.

✣ N/A
✣ 135
✣ Dark Elf (Drow)
✣ Dagger
✣ Petrichor/Jasmine

Born in Irradiya, Vidal suffered throughout his childhood due to the oppression of the Vilegore family and other High Elves.He turned to banditry as a youth, earning a reputation as a skilled thief and assassin.During one particularly violent raid, Vidal's bandit group was ambushed by the royal guard as the Dawnstar had been passing by.The Dawnstar spared Vidal's life, a debt he feels he can never repay (although often he feels he was not deserving of a second chance.)

Little is known about Vidal's true past, or the extent of his crimes. Nonetheless, he is utterly devoted to the Dawnstar.Skilled in shadow magics, but prefers to use his bladesPrivately worships Whisper, god of secrets.Hasn't set foot in Irradiya since leaving the kingdom as a child.



STARKeeper alric fauxe               

I was just a boy when it happened. The change. Felt like my bones were breaking, reforming. But the wolf is part of me now.

✣ 28
✣ Human (Cursed)
✣ Two-handed sword
✣ Leather/Pine

The eldest son of Lord Gideon Fauxe, Alric was raised to inherit Trophyhill and carry on the Fauxe legacy of master hunters.His family's curse manifested in his youth, in the form of beast blood, transforming Alric into a wolf every full moon. However, Alric has always been a master of controlling himself, even when transformed.Three years ago, Alric became a Starkeeper after Richard recommended him to the Dawnstar. Alric then completed the Keeper trial set for him and was chosen by the Dawnstar, becoming their lover as well as protector.-

Recently, his curse has become harder and harder to control, for unknown reasons. His bloodlust is getting stronger and his temper shorter.Alric's curse gets stronger around the full moon, in times of stress, or if he taps into it in battle.Favors a massive two-handed sword and a longbow. Prefers to fight on the frontlines.Wants to forge his own path - ideally at the Dawnstar's side


Alric was born to hunt. Keen as a wolf. I taught him to track, to kill, to survive. No beast could match him. And now he's gone, slain by some green boy playing at knighthood.

✣ Fauxe
✣ 53
✣ Werebear
✣ Great axe
✣ Musk / blood

Gideon is the stern patriarch of House Fauxe, one of Starfall's oldest noble families. He rules Trophyhill, a walled town in the primeval forests of western Eternia. The Fauxes are master hunters afflicted by an ancient fae curse that forever drives them to stalk deadlier prey.Gideon underwent the painful first transformation into a werebear during adolescence, seen as a rite of passage for all children of House Fauxe.He became Lord of House Fauxe and master of Trophyhill after his mother's death, and entered a political, loveless marriage to Elara Erlewine, the melancholy second-eldest daughter of House Erlewine.

Gideon has sired three children, Alric, Lyra (his only daughter) and Tristan, with his eldest son Alric being his pride and heir apparent.
Alric was chosen to serve as one of the Dawnstar's Keepers, at the time considered a great honor for House Fauxe.

Alric was slain by fellow Keeper Adrian Pascal when Alric succumbed to his werewolf curse and attacked the Dawnstar.Gideon's grief has hardened into bitter resentment that eats at him as surely as the beast-taint in his blood.



 Ruling House: The Vilegore Family

Irradiya, Starfall's ancient enemy, lies north of Eternia, its lands shrouded in perpetual twilight. Powerful magic dims the sun's rays, casting long shadows across the eerie landscape.
This dark realm is ruled by the Vilegore family, an ancient creed of vampiric high elves known to humans as "leeches". Cold and haughty, the elves consider themselves superior to other races. Humans regard them as untrustworthy and dangerous.Irradiya is an insular, decadent society steeped in blood magic and occult rituals. Rumors speak of the ruling family's debauched "blood feasts". Relations with Starfall are hostile, with frequent skirmishes along the borders.A palpable aura of dread hangs over Irradiya. Unholy shapes move in the shadows of its cities. Travelers are warned to avoid Irradiya's lands, lest they fall victim to the cruel whims of its undying lords.In Starfall, Irradiya is a name spoken only in fearful whispers, a nightmare realm where the darkest magics hold sway.

House Vilegore has ruled Irradiya for centuries: an ancient dynasty of powerful high elf blood mages and vampires.Lord Eridyn is the current ruler, known for his ruthless treatment of prisoners.He has five children with his wife Lilia; Azrael, Liana, Alexiel, Therin and Deiliel.

Rumors speak of the family's decadent "blood feasts" and occult rituals.

The Vilegores are bitter enemies of Starfall's royal family - namely due to their goal of bringing eternal night to all of Eternia, and destroying or enslaving anyone who gets in their way.


Crown Prince Azrael               

You should be flattered that I care enough to chase you, truly. Not everyone gets to say they were hunted by the Prince of Irradiya.

✣ Vilegore
✣ 328 (appears 30)
✣ High Elf
✣ Daggers
✣ Steel / Jasmine / Blood

As firstborn son of Lord Eridyn, Azrael was groomed from birth to one day rule Irradiya. He was greatly influenced by his childhood guardians and tutors; namely his personal knight, Sir Alayn Darkwreath and the Vilegore's torturer, Raveneye.

As a child, he delighted in tormenting the human slaves and prisoners kept by his family for blood and sport.

When he came of age, Azrael led numerous raids into Starfall and gained reknown as a blood thirsty warrior who had no mercy for his victims.

To secure an alliance, Azrael became betrothed to the Dawnstar of Starfall, a political marriage he resents. He plans to make the Dawnstar suffer as his unwilling consort.Has been strictly ordered by his father to not actually harm the Dawnstar, which he resents.

Second Prince Alexiel               

I still remember the first time I tasted human blood. The richness... there's no going back after that. Humans may be filth, but at least they have decency to be palatable

✣ Vilegore
✣ 317 (appears 29)
✣ High Elf
✣ N/A
✣ Petrichor / decaying roses / copper

Alexiel is the second eldest of the five Vilegore siblings, born and raised in the shadowed halls of the Twilight Palace.He was groomed from birth to believe in high elven supremacy and that the Irradiyan royal family has a divine right to rule. Alexiel has never seen natural sunlight, as leaving Irradiya's borders means losing the magic that shrouds the land in darkness.Throughout his life, all of Alexiel's needs have always been attended to by thralls, leading him to develop selfish and spoilt tendencies.

Alexiel is a virgin, considering sex a distraction (and has never had the opportunity, due to lack of potential "acceptable" partners)Secretly keeps a collection of human books and scrolls.